SWinsider has posted it was a choice beteen a Pool or an Executive lounge - they went for the latter.
Hi serfty, it was great to meet you on Saturday. I trust your trip home was comfy and uneventful

I have the feeling SWinsider is just repeating what has been drummed into them to say to guests who complain about the lack of these facilities. Space is not an issue for a truly world class facility. HSW has a large roof area and no penthouses so there'd be plenty of room for a very nice pool, spa sauna and steam room up there beside the essential services like lift motor room, fire jacking pumps and air conditioner plant. Similarly, the roof area above the exec offices and restaurant would be a HUGE improvement on the tacky and down right ugly trim deck roofing (the tin roof, not the exec terrace) view that the exec lounge currently enjoys (not).
All of that is certainly possible and to be honest, it would not break the piggy bank when you look at a development of that scale. In fact not scoping such facilities is almost inconceivable (but perhaps that's my Gold Coast upbringing shining through).
So what's that leave us? The running and ongoing maintenance costs? Can HSW actually expect anyone to believe that? Hilton Cairns can manage it, Hilton Surfers Paradise can manage it, Hilton Sydney can manage it, hang....even Hilton on the park can manage it and given HSW is arguably the flagship of the Hilton brand in Oz, they cannot seriously think we'd believe that convenient spiel.
As a Melburnian I read these posts about the lack of a pool at the HSW with a wry smile. Given Melbourne's outdoor swimming season is fairly short, with non heated public pools open from November to March, any such pool at HSW would not be worth building, in my opinion.
Hi ric_melb, it was also good to meet you on Saturday, although not much of a chance to chat.
With regard to Melbourne weather, I rented a house in Melbourne with a pool.......and I can assure you it was used, as was the bay and many weekends to Jan Juc for a surf and yes, I was the one who had to maintain the pool!
At a supposed premier hotel, pool heating is considered essential for guest comfort anyway but it's not just the pool. It's the whole deal. Pool, spa, sauna, steam room, sun lounges and on those 40oC Melbourne summer stinkers, I hate to be the staff trying to explain no pool to the sweltering guests! Alternatively, enclose it for all year swimming pleasure, just like the Hilton Sydney pool area. Personally, I'd prefer it outdoors but it is an option!