I don't consider myself a wine snob but I only buy in bulk if I KNOW it's a goodie. Like it could be the only wine left in the world and I'd still be happy. It's something I need to have on hand.
Generally if I'm tasting I'll buy 1-2 bottles if I think I like it but not more as I find when I get home it seems to taste different. If it still tastes good then I know I'm happy to buy more and I know where to get it. But to buy wine by the case load - man I have to love it! And there are only a few of those wines around. Hold your tastebuds to the highest standards.
I find being a fusspot cuts down on spending. It's really rare I taste something that knocks my socks off immediately. Those bottles I try and photograph as I learned the hard way by forgetting the exact vineyard a particular wine was from and spent the next 4 yrs reminiscing

. Too many wines are just 'drinkable'.
What is it that you REALLY liked about that wine? Or is it just "average"?
Is it something you'd share? or Something to keep for yourself? How good is that wine REALLY? If it's just "average" then - you shouldn't be buying it in bulk, at least not when there's plenty at home. Line your bottles up and see if there's one or two that stands out above the rest. Keep that as the standard.
Buy the stuff that knocks your socks off. If it's just "average" then you can get it any old time so it's not worth buying in bulk.
A bit of psychology I guess but it's how I buy my wine. To pour a bottle down the drain because it's too old to drink or just awful is a crime really - so I'm all for being selective.
p.s. I'm no expert but I like my wine and guidelines are needed.