This thread reminds me of the "Duty Free Alcohol rip off" thread.
Same answer there as here - Costco (as in the duty free stores) have some products that are a genuine bargain and others that clearly are not. You need to know your stuff before you walk in or you will indeed get poor value for money.
Personally I took up the free membership when they opened here in NSW but didn't renew after that as I only used it twice that first year. Know enough people with a card and get a quick heads up from them each time they visit.
You are doing smart. Yes dont even dare pay for a grocery door to enter the doors. Just not right. That's the reason why the actual 60.00 will cover the other hal
the other half missing so what half price without you even notice what you just did.
Like i said 10.00 normal price for the meat tray, Costco has it 5.00 so they take the other 5.00 OFF IT. But you just gave costco 60.00 to actually cover the other half price off.. its just a way how business likes to brain washed many people in beleiving everything is cheap when its really not
You didnt got that meat loaf for just 5.00 u just gave costco 60.00 just like that to enter that door annually. Its a tottally rip off. Plus i can't imagien seen someone shopping there every month or so. So why bother give them 60.00 why not make it free and also have the meat loaf for just 5.00 bucks. Lets see if costco can keep it up or they going to now realise ive just broken into knowing what secrets they really had against us all.
Whatever you pay at costco 5.00 dolars off or 3 dollars off or so on each thing counts as half price. But that actual 60.00 is insensibly covering the other missing half price for those products you just going to buy. Tricky indeed and i believe its a complete a ripp off. In this case why bother shop there when its as equal price as coles new world.
It seems many families who shop there are not very smart after all. This is how one gets distracted. you pay annually your midn gets excited to enter costco now you realise things are half price.. But you just forget that you given costco 60.00 dollars annually to enter that door. This is how people get distracted. This is how costco wants it to sound like because its a mind game for everyone who enters costco. its only a way for costco making you believe everything is half price when its really not. It is when you check out and paid only half the price of the products but you also just forgot that you just gave 60.00 to costco before you entered that doors. Now i believe something like this should be telecast on the accurent affairs show. I think someone has to speak out about it. Makes me mad to think companies do this to people. Its a mix of ways to break things down so that afterwards your distracted and so on and make the ideal for you to forget that you just given costco 60 dollars to begin with. That 60.00 is a secret one. its just to cover the other missing half price of the products you buy.
In reality you paid that meat 5.00 but you gave costco 60.00 first there for they will take the other 5.00 bucks out of that 60.00 that you gave them without you knowing a thing. Im sure im 100% right about this.
I cant understand how families make them believe this is not so true. There goes families of todays young society throwing money just like that. Not good. When i was young in my younger days just after the war ended i wasnt aloud to spent a coin what so ever.