QF don't really like the people who do things like churn CC's and take full advantage of the system. Oh, short term they love the churners because thos bonus points == revnue to QF loyalty from the bank buying those bonus points to give away but longer term it's a big liability. QF is going to prefer the people who either redeem points for toasters and other high yield(to them) options or even have them expire.
Let's face it the average AFF member who plays all the games is a minor blip in the mix of QFF membership. The number of high yield and even status pax whoi have no idea and no interest in such things would probably shock most people here.. and QF loves these people (eg I know of a guy who was doing a federal government contract flex Y back and forward weekly for years hit Plat.. had no real idea what to do with it... I htink may have used the F lounge once with his wife, but mostly didn't even use domestic ones, probably didn't know or care about releasing awards, let alone churning cards, "magic" and all the rest of it. Man QF would love that guy. cha ching! (and by that guy, I mean the Australian Taxpayer ugh, but that's a whole other issue).
My point is that for those of us that care for LT status there's far more who would be happy to see the backside of a plane once their corporate travel requirements are done. Yeah maybe they'd go oh that's nice for the next time I take the partner to Bali or something, but not really care one way or the other.
As for 28k LTSC v 56k(or more). I'd say 36k LTSC would be a reasonable compromise, though 28k is the logical number IF it was to ever happen (which i doubt)
The other thing is, measures of "years of Platinum" basing it on the bare minimum SC's (eg: 1400 to attain, then 1200 to requal) is a nice idea, but not really realistic. Many earn far in excess of those numbers every year (eg: if you've been a P1 for the past 4 years like me, that "number of years" value goes out the door if you use an averager of 3600 - I mean 4 years of P1 is LTG!) so it's never going to be quite that simple, or even if someone averages say 1600 or 2k SC's a year...
In the ever increasing nod to revenue based it could well be that some longer term "rewards" could become based on overall "value" rather than just mles flown or SC's earned.
It could also come to pass that QF could suggest a LT Plat level, at 28k QF group SC's ... that's going to be a LOT harder for many people....
again though all that aside I really think chances of LTP are right up there with me winning tatts
still we can always hope, but I wouldn't base my flying choices on it. (Though I'm nearing 27k LTSC so I've kept with QF like others anyway0