1/ I explained that I only noticed it when it posted to my credit card this morning. I then checked the emails and the Tax Invoice only came through this morning.
The agent(s) had no response when the question was answered (so not sure where the question was leading).
2/ I referred Red Roo to the thread and asked if it was possible to refer it to JQ Customer Care. I'm very grateful for Red Roo doing that
3/ I was, and remain, hesitant to escalate the issue - I really just wanted it resolved this morning, wasn't chasing a $50 voucher - just a refund (or voucher) to cover the overcharge. Perfectly reasonable request IMHO.
It was only after being continuously told "there's nothing we can do" that I suggested to the supervisor this morning that he's leaving with no other course of action than chargeback and alternate airline booking, and him still not being able to offer an alternate solution - that I went down that path.
In other words - only after all reasonable avenues were exhausted (and after offering JQ every opportunity to come up with an alternate resolution) did I make another booking and initiate chargeback.
I haven't as yet posted anything publicly outside of AFF - I posted on AFF as this is the Brains Trust - but also able to share the knowledge, and, allow JQ the opportunity for service recovery.
Very frustrating that I'm being forced to deal with this the "hard way" rather than the "easy way"