Yes, have to agree - after working so hard to gain the title, it is nice to be acknowledged as Dr. I must say though, that as a WP, when they come round to do the personal hello, they usually get it right. It's usually the ones at the gate or door that are too rushed in getting everyone on board that don't look properly at the boarding pass.
This is true - they are quite rushed and the DR is always squished up on the BP. But as they say, "I didn't spend seven years at evil medical school to be called 'Miss' thank you very much!".

I think the thing that's really bothersome here is that the assumption is that women are more likely to have a profession that doesn't have a title other than their marital status and the men are more likely to have a profession that does have a separate title (Dr/Rev/Prof/Captain etc)... I think that's a sad reflection of societal gender norms...
Espec when the airline industry does use titles - Captain, FO, CSM etc...!
And fwiw - it appears on this thread that the majority of single female FF are doctors!