Latitude 28 Degrees $8 per month starting September 2024

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Most of this is <redacted> not included in, or has any way of being known by the credit bureau. After tax incomes, past loans and mortgages, annual fees, direct debit payment arrangements, issuance as part/parcel of loan/mortgage or applied standalone are not things the credit agencies know <redacted>.

It may yet get to this sort of granular detail, but it's not there yet.
Please reread what I wrote.

Did I type that the credit agencies have all that information? No, you made an incorrect assumption about what I put.

I asked, providing a complete picture of two people, who would have the higher credit score.

Btw it’s the person with the lower income and much more debt with lower servicing ability.
Did not get email or SMS re fee waiver. Customer for nearly 20 years. Rang the call centre...basically if you didn't get the offer, you are out of luck, and they can't add offer will pay off the card , and close account before Sept 17.
Did not get email or SMS re fee waiver. Customer for nearly 20 years. Rang the call centre...basically if you didn't get the offer, you are out of luck, and they can't add offer will pay off the card , and close account before Sept 17.

I did not get a text or email either.

I have a trip to US next month so will use it for that trip and if the $8 starts appearing then i pay and cancel once home.
I did not get a text or email either.
Neither have I, however, I've taken a slightly different approach because I have an existing correspondence trail and ongoing case reference with them, so rather than call and be read the script by some uninterested automaton call centre worker who just wants to get through her required quota number of calls for the day as quickly as possible so she can get home and watch F-Boy Island, I've written to them and fed their own words back to them in writing to ask why I've not been included.

It probably won't work though, because I believe the waiver offer has been allocated out entirely randomly. I don't believe any science or thought or algorithms have had any role at all in deciding which customers get the waiver and which don't. They've just used a simple blanket numbers approach. We need Y number of customers to maintain a viable credit business. On current projections based on cancellation rates to date, we believe we are going to end up with X customers when the dust settles. We therefore need to convince Y-X of the existing customers to not cancel in order to maintain a viable credit business, noting of course that it is always much harder to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one.

That Y-X number has then been decided on by something like those who have an odd account number vs those with an even one. Something as ridiculous as that. There is no pattern or logic to it at all, which would actually be perfectly consistent with all Latitude Finance business decisions to date frankly, so it shouldn't be a surprise at all.
Neither have I, however, I've taken a slightly different approach because I have an existing correspondence trail and ongoing case reference with them, so rather than call and be read the script by some uninterested automaton call centre worker who just wants to get through her required quota number of calls for the day as quickly as possible so she can get home and watch F-Boy Island, I've written to them and fed their own words back to them in writing to ask why I've not been included.

It probably won't work though, because I believe the waiver offer has been allocated out entirely randomly. I don't believe any science or thought or algorithms have had any role at all in deciding which customers get the waiver and which don't. They've just used a simple blanket numbers approach. We need Y number of customers to maintain a viable credit business. On current projections based on cancellation rates to date, we believe we are going to end up with X customers when the dust settles. We therefore need to convince Y-X of the existing customers to not cancel in order to maintain a viable credit business, noting of course that it is always much harder to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one.

That Y-X number has then been decided on by something like those who have an odd account number vs those with an even one. Something as ridiculous as that. There is no pattern or logic to it at all, which would actually be perfectly consistent with all Latitude Finance business decisions to date frankly, so it shouldn't be a surprise at all.
Didn’t you already tell them you’re going to close your account, that you were concerned about the fee being imposed, so they credited you with $24 in advance?

Why would they then send you an email that waives your fees?

You have already signalled your intention to close.
Didn’t you already tell them you’re going to close your account, that you were concerned about the fee being imposed, so they credited you with $24 in advance?
Why would they then send you an email that waives your fees?
Because they have stated in writing in multiple places that I am "a valued Latitude customer" and to back that stature up, they can see that my account currently has a balance of $7.5K owing on it (which comprehensively does away with any argument it isn't being used or is non-earning) and I have notified them of an intent to travel to Qatar, Norway, Finland and Netherlands in October using this card, which is afterall its main party trick and what it is entirely marketed and advertised as intended for. I am in essence the very living, breathing model of their most desirable user base. If I looked like Brad Pitt, they would hire me to play their idealised consumer in their next advertising commercial. That's why they should waive my fees.
You have already signalled your intention to close.
Yep, and I would happily revise that decision if they amend their ways
Well I put $17 on it in July, nothing in August, so I guess that has failed to make the cut for the fee waiver. Will keep the card until after my November trip, and then re-evaluate.
Received one year fee waiver email two days ago.

So our original plan of keeping original account with many supps and cancelling two single card accounts is looking better and better.
At least for the next 12 months.
You should know for future reference that when you cancel, you're cancelling the account, not individual cards attached to an account. The new monthly fee is on the account, not individual cards. So yes, you can cancel individual cards no problem, but doing so will not in of itself save you from the monthly fee, unless the card you cancel is the last remaining one on your account, in which case the account will get cancelled too. An account cannot exist in isolation. It must have at least one card attached to it, and when you cancel an entire account to avoid the monthly fee, all the cards (main+supps) will all be cancelled at the same time because a card cannot exist without an attaching account.
I rang today to cancel and the call center guy was initially..."everyone is to get the 12month free offer", I'll escalate you but then.. later I can't guarantee you will get the offer.
He said the 3 month interest free is separate and not related.
So the card is zero balance and he says you won't be charged a fee until 15 Oct statement due... so you can wait for the offer to come....

I held off canceling today but come Monday if nothing then I don't think I'll cancel it.
Anyone else had this response?
Asked family to check via call but they are nup cancelling and getting the Bendigo Ready.... they are retired (self funded).... so will be interesting.

To finish I rang twice, first time 120 people in front 10 minutes they say. Next time 100 people but 20 minute wait.....It went to 45 and then call operated came in in about 10 minutes...
I did get the $8pm waiver email through. I do have 2 cards linked to this account. I do have linked subscriptions to this account. i don't (usually or not on purpose) have a monthly balance unpaid. (and actually, got late fee charges when I forgot). The algorithm to select these accounts is very random looking at this thread.

I originally got the card for ATM free withdrawals but kept it for the 0% international fees. Always hated the fee for making a payment to the card.
I'll keep it while is $0 pm for me. The Bendigo option looks like the best non-points I'd transfer to.
I rang today to cancel and the call center guy was initially..."everyone is to get the 12month free offer", I'll escalate you but then.. later I can't guarantee you will get the offer.
It's completely unsurprising the call centre staff haven't been fully informed of what's going on either. From hearing first hand stories of former call centre staff, they are typically the last to know about changes and just have to 'wing it' until such time as they get told, if they ever do at all! Often, the callers are vastly more informed via forums like this one, than the actual staff being paid to masquerade as employees of the firm involved.
I did get the $8pm waiver email through. I do have 2 cards linked to this account. I do have linked subscriptions to this account. i don't (usually or not on purpose) have a monthly balance unpaid. (and actually, got late fee charges when I forgot). The algorithm to select these accounts is very random looking at this thread.

I originally got the card for ATM free withdrawals but kept it for the 0% international fees. Always hated the fee for making a payment to the card.
I'll keep it while is $0 pm for me. The Bendigo option looks like the best non-points I'd transfer to.
Fee for payment can be removed by paying direct from your bank account from the Latitude website. Takes a couple of days for the money to go through, but the acknowledgement is pretty much instant (ie that they have received your payment, even if the actual funds take a few days to arrive).
I originally got the card for ATM free withdrawals
From memory, that was a very tiny window where that functionality existed without an easier alternative. It used to be that you could put the card into credit without penalty and then withdraw those funds for free from foreign country ATM in foreign currency converted at Mastercard rate with no fee. Then the Citibank Plus debit card came along and everyone used that instead being much simpler and left the 28° to function soley as the credit card it actually is.
So we have both people with lots of activity and $ on the card and those with little activity on it, not getting the waiver offer.

I got the waiver offer and I'm one of those "use it while overseas" so 3 or 4 bursts a year, including recently (although I intended to use my now fee-free and points-earning NAB card, but it got blocked :) ).

Very odd targeting.
Did not get email or SMS re fee waiver. Customer for nearly 20 years. Rang the call centre...basically if you didn't get the offer, you are out of luck, and they can't add offer will pay off the card , and close account before Sept 17.
I didn't get the SMS or email and am disappointed to read your feed back. I used this card extensively over April, May and June spending about $8000.
So I am disappointed to not receive the offer. I need to keep this card as I am retired and cannot get another card.
I might call next week and try my luck. (Although not very hopeful).
So we have both people with lots of activity and $ on the card and those with little activity on it, not getting the waiver offer.

I got the waiver offer and I'm one of those "use it while overseas" so 3 or 4 bursts a year, including recently (although I intended to use my now fee-free and points-earning NAB card, but it got blocked :) ).

Very odd targeting.
Yeah, there's no "targeting" going on at all. There is zero logic to who gets the waiver and who doesn't. Even just thinking there's some super-technical algorthm going on to decide who's worthy and who's not is giving way too much credit to Latitude. They're idiots… not idiot-savant geniuses. They're Donald Trump, not Rain Man.

NAB are the very worst at random card blocking. They're actually famous for it. My retired neighbour has her one and only legacy grandfathered fee-free for life Platinum direct earn Qantas credit card with NAB and it gets blocked on her without fail the very first time she dares to use it overseas every single time. She religiously informs NAB of her itinerary multiple times before leaving, seeks and receives assurances from them it won't happen this time, and then sure enough… blocked. It's happened so often and is so predictable for her now, that she just expects it. It's got to the point now that when she has the time to get it unblocked, she deliberately uses the card to buy something inconsequential like a packet of chewy mints or something, just so the card gets blocked, so she can go through the rigmarol of getting it unblocked, so that it then works for the rest of the trip. It only happens once fortunately. After the initial block is released, it doesn't keep getting blocked again thereafter, until the next trip overseas.