Look, I do get that people need to responsible for their affairs. But there is a marked lack of transparency on the airlines when they bury your points status at the bottom of a long email (providing as in mrsdrron's case you actually receive one). Fault on both sides at times perhaps, but you can't let the airlines off easily.
As someone noted above they want the points lost. That's clear. The airlines' objective is to reduce the liability, and if they can do it for free by points expiry, then that gives the bean counters a warm and happy glow.
QF (and VA I suppose, but I am not a member so can't comment on them) can do the usual "We notify people via email" when that may be a line somewhere within a regular newsletter easily missed. Legally QF has kept to the T&C, but probably on a "pub test" basis they have not.
I totally agree.
My point was more that even if they sent one email with a subject of "NOTIFICATION OF UPCOMING POINTS EXPIRY" or something similr, some people would still complain... or if they sent atext that may be missed for whatever reason *some* people will still complain.
the vast majority of folks, and not just cough AFF types like most of us who use the systems, get points all the time and don't usually face these issues - I mean your regular joes, have no real issues with these things by doing just the bare minmum.
Again, I absolutely agree that there are worthy exceptions to this and airlines shoud examine on a case by case basis, and I also agree that they should be far more proactive(or made to be) and transparent - put the expiry date back into account summaries (many airlines, hotel chanins etc do this), and do more to be upfront about the expiry.. it's likely this would have to be regulated in some form or other though, whhich governments are loath to do in these sorts of situations, so the airlines can get away with this sort of thing.
Probably something like the Fair Trading(?) edict in NSW re gift vouchers expiry date which has forced QF to extend to 3 years needs to happen with this sort of thing.
Again though, I still say that at some point inattention by people shouldn't be an excuse to jump up and down like a pork chop and demand entitltment.