Every give a wave to Red Roo... perhaps gauging the general response so far...
Probably didn’t even know about the change “left hand right hand stuff” so thought they should come and see what the marketing white board eraser had done this time
QF Marking thesaurus – your comments explained in our language
Enhancement= Clarification (n)
Sneaky = give them lots of time to get used to it before it effects them, they will forget next week long before the change comes in.
Change = notification was provided last year, see sneaky
Profit = who else can we enhance
Goal posts = where we want them
Primary driver = AJ’s chauffeur
EK = extra kapital, soon
Clause = how do we explain things with simplicity and clarity
Clause 20.5.1 = how do we explain things with difficulty and uncertainty
Jetstar = who?
“QF you sneaky little bugger” = note for member FF file
Thinking evil thoughts = what we do… very well, refer clarification
Clarification (v) = what we do… very well, refer clarification (n)