Speaking of QF engaging with the punters ...
I remember many years ago receiving an invite out of the blue to attend a meeting with 'Qantas' (actually some survey mob, but on behalf of Qantas) face to face, with about 10 other QFFers from Adelaide (where I was living at the time). It was just after regular work hours so was convenient to attend.
It took about an hour, and it was 'live' discussion between the host (professional meeting facilitator type person) and we QFFers about many aspects of the QFF scheme, as I recall, including what we wanted from Lounges, what we used etc etc, how we went about making bookings, what was good, what was bad about the QFF scheme. I remember we even ended up submitting our sketches for an 'Ideal' lounge lay-out (I remember as at the time I was very keen for a separate 'family' area in the larger lounges where kids could play a bit without disturbing the rest of the lounge). There was a Qantas rep present, can't recall how senior, but he answered questions we put to him on why things were done in certain ways.
As I said, it was a fair time ago ... maybe 15 years? But it made an impact, as I recall it clearly! We even got paid for our time!
THAT is engagement, folks. That's what Qantas did before to find out what its QFFers think, and want, and to respond to queries. I felt they were really genuine in wanting feedback and to respond to concerns. AND they didn't need me to give up a day of work to travel to Sydney, and they didn't filter me in or out based on the questions I wanted to ask!
Best of luck for the lunch. I hope the mac and cheese is as good as it was before and I'm sure the wines will be super and the company excellent. I'm sure we'll hear all about these things in threads and posts following the lunch. But as I read about the mac and cheese, I'll be wondering about the QFF program. I might even report back about what I find out in my own arranged meeting with a QF exec