I've finally caved, having agreed with my ISP to switch over. But the current service (Naked DSL) has become so unreliable (dropping out, freezing, slow at peak times) i've folded.
Already i'm regretting it. When signing up, told my preferred date wouldn't be a problem, as greater than two weeks away. Get text, booked on a saturday two days before preferred date. Call back, told I'd cant have my preferred date (!), ask for the following saturday. Sorry, saturday bookings not available. Couldn't explain how they'd managed to book me on a saturday.... So next mutually available date is over a month away.
A day later i get a text saying they've been trying to contact me and to call ISP back (strange as my phone had no missed calls, no voice messages and was in my pocket all day). Call back, they don't know why they've asked me to call them, maybe it was to tell me my preferred date was unavailable (!).
Then the following day, i'm out and someone (apparently) randomly shows up at our house from NBN "just to check" something. Neighbour messages me as they'd knocked on his door to ask. At about the same time, i get a call from an interstate number "This is xx_X from NBN, could i confirm your address" (ensue conversation about how the hell I know they're from NBN before I hand over private details.).
In the end, we resolve that they seemingly are having difficulty sorting address Xa from X (not the doorknocked neighbour's address btw)........
In the end i've resolved to myself I'd have to go through the pain at some point within 18 months so may as well get it over and done with.....