More NBN progress.
Here in Tas, they are starting to close down the copper wires in a number of areas 'cause its 18 months after NBN became available in those areas. Trouble is, as we know, the NBN rollout is hopelessly behind schedule.
People with NBN orders in - for MONTHS - haven't yet been connected, and they are now getting their ADSL cut off because the copper is being de-commissioned!! Told they have to go to the GSM mobile internet in the meantime (and, cough, pay through the nose of course). Can you imagine running a business that way?
Grannies, who have no interest in internet, and just want a bloody phone to the outside world. Guess what? Too bad, granny, we've cut off your phone. Get a mobile or get the NBN (in a few months). Stiff cheddar.
Remind me again who the geniuses were who designed this caper?