What I said (paraphrased): 'The main reason we have to build a whole new telecommunications network from scratch is because the Howard Government sold the one we already owned.'
What you said I said (paraphrased): 'Copper is good enough to do the job.'
Oh, for goodness sake.
Your obsession with 'copper' (and misrepresenting my argument to an absurd level ,

) and its attendant evils makes a useful debate on the NBN all but impossible. The rest of us recognise the reality that the new network is a mix of technologies - optic fibre, FW, satellite, copper network - and we can debate whether that is preferable over a obsession for technological Rolls Royces and a bankrupting (near) universal optic fibre network.
How about this: No matter whether the Telstra network was sold to the public or not, it still needed upgrading. NBN Co is essentially a government organisation, so either government owned Telstra would have done the new network, or government owned NBN Co would have done the new network. Government or government.
So to be clear. You think it's not fair to blame the Government that sold our telecommunications infrastructure for having to rebuild it - or buy it back from the people who bought it - from scratch today ?
And you reckon I'm biased ?
Do you also think it's not fair to blame Keating's deregulation of the finance industry on the (entirely predictable) economy-destroying monster it's become today as well ?
Privatisation of natural monopolies and critical infrastructure produces these kinds of outcomes. It's a rent-seeker's utopia.
I wouldn't describe your argument in terms of bias, but rather in terms of absurdity, sorry. As above - you appear to decry the selling off of Telstra because that means the government has to re build the network, without realising that if the government still owned Telstra, it would
still be rebuilding it! And to reach back to the Howard government to assign blame for the current situation with the NBN (seemingly completely ignoring the way it was conceived and initially executed by the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd governments) is just silly. What about Fraser's abolition of the Post Master General's Department? That's where the rot set in. Disgraceful!! And don't get me going on the submarines again ...
Biased? No, that's not a term I'd use. But I do observe that a discussion on the NBN and the virtues of various technologies being employed has for you simply come down to a tirade against privatisation Vs the good old socialist philosophy of government ownership of assets and the evils of private enterprise. Nothing wrong with that ... good for you.
Replace the rent-seeker's utopia with a worker's utopia. Lets sing together:
Debout, les damnés de la terre
Debout, les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère
C'est l'éruption de la fin
Du passé faisons table rase
Foule esclave, debout, debout
Le monde va changer de base
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout
This message has been brought to you copper-
, via my Fixed Wireless NBN service. Had the NBN not been progressed with mixed technologies, and had Howard :evil: not sold off Telstra, it would have come to you many times slower, via the (horrors!) Telstra copper network.