I may have already said this BUT I will say it again.
Access to these is is all very nice.
But at the end of the day , just because I put a high volume through the card. ( and i know others put way more than i) It does not follow that I am interested I spending small fortunes on watching football or tennis ( etc)
I believe that being exclusive does NOT mean it has to be expensive, irrespective of conventional
If you are offered the opportunity to join rather than apply , there's the exclusivity.
If I ( or anyone else) is putting high volumes through their card it does not necessarily follow that I want to pay 5 times as much for the privilege of having a card that is black and made from metal instead of plastic.
I wold pay maybe double for a cent card but not the outrageous additional cost that Amex wants to extract from me.
But it doesn't matter what I say. There are enough of the wealthy happy to meet the cost
Anyway that's my Friday rant