I never have really got excited about new corporate videos of any type, and it is strange that we live in a world where the work experience people running (it seems) many of QF's function think that the release of a new corporate video is actual "news"?
As for the new video... meh. Better than the last one, sure. Better than the Travolta one - absolutely. Best in the air? Probs not.
I love it when they don't have the video at all...
Is it my imagination or is the dreaded "safety" briefing much shorter when it is audio only? I guess dead air (long stretches of silence) doesn't work with audio, but for the video you can minutes of unrelated visual "entertainment"...
VA B737 v QF B737 - I am not a scientist, scientician, or even someone that builds planes - but I reckon the safety features of each are very similar if not exactly the same? If so, why does it take QF much longer to get the message across?
Also, I did notice recently on a QF flight to Japan that they have an entirely separate video that plays AFTER the English version.... i was getting ready to pop the slide and run for the hills if I had to hear "dropped my phoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnne" again... but thankfully that version is edited down to about 50% of the English one.... now all we need them to do is make the English version of the cut-down Japanese one and then we are good to go!
I would be keen to see a director's cut of the older one where dropped-my-phone girl gets eaten by a lion, and the coffee boys get cornoavirus...