After I've tried the Vermentino and the Malbec, I'll report back.
Reporting back on the Vermentino.

A bit of a revelation. I opened a bottle on Friday night and had a glass with a few peanuts while awaiting PJM to grace me with her presence (a chronically late person :evil:.)
Hmmnnn, doesn't grab me; short on the front/mid palate. Decide the MARQ Fiano is the go.
PJM shows up; we down the 2010 St. Hugo with the coughin-spiced lamb

. Usual question follows: "What else have you got?" (like other women on this thread (
Princess Fiona), PJM has a prodigious thirst.)
OK - let's finish off the second half of the Evesham Wood Oregon Pinot (see post 1369). PJM agrees with me: good but not a rock-your-world.
Right, that's gone. "What next?" she says. I meekly say: "What do you want; red or white?". White is the decision so I proffer a glass of the MARQ Vermentino, while apologising that she may not like it. Well, this is where the revelation happened! "Wow, that's refreshing." says PJM. Holy cough, thinks me, it's now different! It was like having a lemon sorbet between courses - really refreshed the palate.
JohnM sails through yet another test

Neat follow-up to this story: last night was lovely in PER. No sea breeze blasting, so PJM and I head to Little Creatures brewery at Fremantle. Well, wouldn't you know it: MARQ Vermentino on the wine list. Went very nicely with a shared plate of nachos with some fairly fiery Jalapenos. And a very light 11.3% alc that enabled me to survive a RBT on the way home (blew 0.014.) What more can one ask for :?:

Conclusion: B* good - but must be had with food.
That's two ripper alternative varieties from MARQ (Malbec to go). I sense that the wines are technically very well made so hopefully should be repeatable (my big bugbear with small producers is that they are usually very inconsistent.)