Im Sitting on a flight having to listen to some clown next to me whinge and cough to the cabin manager demanding he receive one of the Samsung galaxy tabs on a flight where no Ife is offered in the economy cabin as there was no livetoair.
from what I could hear from the conversation. he is Platinum, flying on a saver light fare. Was annoyed because he was never upgraded into business. Never given a shadow in row 3, never offered business class catering in y. The poor csm, was polite, stayed firm and followed every rule they are governed by. Good on him.
My question is as a platinum or gold or any status in fact, where is the published rules that state:
I am platinum I shall receive:
Free upgrades to j when i think i should because i have status. You already get these "advertised" benefits. Use them.
Pay for saver or saver light and get inflight entertainment when the rest of the cabin does not?
Expect a shadow in row 3?
Receive j catering or in fact any j privileges that You did not pay for, again devaluing the product?
Placing your bag in j when traveling in y leaving no space for the passengers paying for J.
Self hanging your jacket so there is no place for the passengers paying for J
Receive so much recognition to feed your ego status that is already inflated. There are other passengers onboard as well.
I've seen and heard it all on here and onboard the plane.
The enticements as a status member are clearly stated. Why get shirty over not getting something your not entitled to or did not pay for.
I have been a long term lurker on this forum and seen first hand from status members their attitude and "king kong beat my chest I will get what ever I want attitude" because I'm platinum, and treat the cabin staff like fools, and abuse and monopolize their time when they have genuine paying passengers in j to attend to, and then abuse them for doing their jobs and following the set standards virgin Australia publish as a benefits?
I think some on here and others need to get of their high horses, and come down a peg or two. You are receiving what you paid for in Y.
I understand if you are not. But expecting more because of status or more onboard recognition than every other pax is just plain selfish. Maybe if you allowed the staff to do their job, planes would go out on time I'd get home on time and allow me to
enjoy the flight and not have to listen to some idiot whinge for half the flight about a product they never paid for.
if you want the product pay for it otherwise use your complimentary upgrades.
Show a little respect.