LOL! You guess wrong. I find the ABC to be pretty fair in its coverage.
And if you think I support Abbott's parental leave scheme, you are dead wrong.
It encourages population increase, and I happen to think that our cities are already well stretched. Ask anyone living in a major city fringe. Not to mention the environmental impact.
Paying high-income earners high PL benefits kinda levels the playing field if one puts child production as a national imperative, but I'd prefer to see it at a flatter rate. It looks a lot like welfare for those who don't need it.
The big positive, in my eyes, is that it channels more resources to a class of people who are historically disadvantaged, and even now lag behind in social outcomes: women.
But having said all of the above, this sort of thing is something that really needs consensus. It's too big a structural change to be a by-product of Rudd's unpopularity.
Not that it will change my vote - I'll still vote independent.