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Re: Where will you be election day (September 14th)
ivr, the thing is he got into a position of political influence and got some things done for you locally, so you perhaps are entitled to have a warm fuzzy feeling about him, but for everyone else outside the electorate who doesn't have much time for the current government or where they have taken the country he has done absolutely nothing other than prolong Julia and her crew and so there is actually very little for us to feel warm and fuzzy about towards him... And we are entitled to say thanks for nothing...
On a personal level he might be quite a bloke, all pollies might, but they are not paid for us to enjoy a chat around the bbq, they are paid to perform and their decisions can directly impact our lives and prosperity and the future of the country for our children, on this basis i am not going to give people a pass just coz i might be happy to have a beer with them, its a bit of a performance based thing and they know it.. Its a pity when history comes a knocking on your door and your not up to it, if that is the case he won't be the first or last, but history often isn't very sympathetic to such people...
I'm not sure that i would give him the benefit of the doubt that he just got caught up in it all either, he has been in politics for a long time and knows how it works, i think there was a lot of political opportunism there that he thought he could at last play in the big leagues, the big leagues just didn't have much time for such a try hard... It didn't for single issue wanna be's like Wilke either and everyone with any sense knows you don't really let the Greens anywhere near important decisions, just throw them a few bones... He certainly knew pretty quickly that a lot of people outside his electorate (and probably inside his electorate) had little time for the lash up Govt but was utterly uninterested in listening and responding to their wishes... When you choose to go the "I know best" route, on your head be it...
It might be nice that you finally thought you were getting a bit of attention that you thought you were due... And that might be ok at a State level (where lets face only so much good or bad can come of it and its largely localised) to put your own electorate first and foremost, but the problem is at a national level while u might get a hospital or two locally, the party in power because of his decision might be leading the whole country up the garden path.. Me personally i would hope i would be more interested in if the Govt put in power could actually effectively govern than if i got a bit of pork locally... Those beds may not seem so important when everyone is paying off the debt forever, taxes are going up, services are being cut etc, etc because that numpty Swan is probably not up to the task... I tend to take a longer term view than what is happening in the here and now and in my own patch... Just me but i have never voted for anyone because i thought i would get something locally out of it...
Moods was actually being facetious here and suggesting your portrayal of Oak****t was a lot fairer and balanced than us raving Lib loonies...
When Vaille resigned Oakeshott who was a popular state member resigned and was elected from memory on in excess of 60% of the popular vote. I agree that he was able to extract money out of a labor government on political terms to sandwall the electorate, that has definitely continued under this term of government.
To this I say good on you, regional areas are often poor cousins to the major cities, we are in the process as the largest regional area on the mid north coast of having a major hospital upgrade, we now have cancer clinics where before patients had to travel to either Newcastle or Sydney,we have a national party state member who wouldn't know which way is up and with the large majority the NSW state government holds, has delivered nothing but the party line.
IMO unless you live here and have seen the gains, it is a bit unfair to criticise a bloke who was thrust into the spotlight.
ivr, the thing is he got into a position of political influence and got some things done for you locally, so you perhaps are entitled to have a warm fuzzy feeling about him, but for everyone else outside the electorate who doesn't have much time for the current government or where they have taken the country he has done absolutely nothing other than prolong Julia and her crew and so there is actually very little for us to feel warm and fuzzy about towards him... And we are entitled to say thanks for nothing...
Entitled to your opinion if you talk to him he comes across as an intelligent genuine bloke. My thoughts he was not ready for the attention he got and despite the shock jock rhetoric he still has strong local support
On a personal level he might be quite a bloke, all pollies might, but they are not paid for us to enjoy a chat around the bbq, they are paid to perform and their decisions can directly impact our lives and prosperity and the future of the country for our children, on this basis i am not going to give people a pass just coz i might be happy to have a beer with them, its a bit of a performance based thing and they know it.. Its a pity when history comes a knocking on your door and your not up to it, if that is the case he won't be the first or last, but history often isn't very sympathetic to such people...
I'm not sure that i would give him the benefit of the doubt that he just got caught up in it all either, he has been in politics for a long time and knows how it works, i think there was a lot of political opportunism there that he thought he could at last play in the big leagues, the big leagues just didn't have much time for such a try hard... It didn't for single issue wanna be's like Wilke either and everyone with any sense knows you don't really let the Greens anywhere near important decisions, just throw them a few bones... He certainly knew pretty quickly that a lot of people outside his electorate (and probably inside his electorate) had little time for the lash up Govt but was utterly uninterested in listening and responding to their wishes... When you choose to go the "I know best" route, on your head be it...
In my opinion look to the results of your local member, not the political bulls#### or opinions of those who do not reside in your electorate.
It might be nice that you finally thought you were getting a bit of attention that you thought you were due... And that might be ok at a State level (where lets face only so much good or bad can come of it and its largely localised) to put your own electorate first and foremost, but the problem is at a national level while u might get a hospital or two locally, the party in power because of his decision might be leading the whole country up the garden path.. Me personally i would hope i would be more interested in if the Govt put in power could actually effectively govern than if i got a bit of pork locally... Those beds may not seem so important when everyone is paying off the debt forever, taxes are going up, services are being cut etc, etc because that numpty Swan is probably not up to the task... I tend to take a longer term view than what is happening in the here and now and in my own patch... Just me but i have never voted for anyone because i thought i would get something locally out of it...
No, no, no! He is obviously a devious scumbag because he supported THE WRONG SIDE. You are too easily fooled by the appearance of civility (as if that counts for anything in this ship of fools).
Moods was actually being facetious here and suggesting your portrayal of Oak****t was a lot fairer and balanced than us raving Lib loonies...