Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame
National Archives Building is well worth a visit
National Archives Building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amongst many great documents and exhibits they have on display are:-
Declaration of Independence
United States Constitution
Bill of Rights
1297 version of the Magna Carta....
Quote from Wiki
"Only one copy (a 1297 copy in
cursiva anglicana handwriting with the royal seal of
Edward I) is in private hands. It was held by the Brudenell family, earls of
Cardigan, who owned it for five centuries before they sold it to the
Perot Foundation in 1984. This copy, having been on long-term loan to the
US National Archives, was auctioned at
Sotheby's New York on 18 December 2007. The Perot Foundation sold it to "...have funds available for medical research, for improving public education and for assisting wounded soldiers and their families."[SUP]
[108][/SUP] It fetched US$21.3 million,[SUP]
[109][/SUP] It was bought by
David Rubenstein of
The Carlyle Group,[SUP]
[110][/SUP] who after the auction said, "I thought it was very important that the Magna Carta stay in the United States and I was concerned that the only copy in the United States might escape as a result of this auction." Rubenstein's copy is on permanent loan to the
National Archives in Washington, D.C.[SUP]
As you can imagine the level of security is extremely high....airport style, with plenty of armed guards patrolling. The documents are all very accessible (glass cases) readable and you can really get a feeling of the emotion of what these documents stand for and the history involved!! A must visit....
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DC is huge, there is plenty to see and watching these guys zoom past as we walked the streets/Mall - I wished we were on them.
Last night in DC....also happens to be NYE. We settled on Italian and retire to that wonderful suite to watch a movie. We were lucky to get a table at Cafe Milano Cafe Milano – Washington, DC Italian Restaurant

Tomorrow we fly to Toronto....