Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth America

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Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame


Lol French Canadians or just the ones that come from Montreal?

Must be careful not to offend any Quebecois members of AFF ;) , and conscious also not to hijack the thread :(

But I lived and worked for a year in northern Quebec - deep north Quebec, where little English spoken and you realize they don't speak French either - its Quebecois , which a Parisian will tell you is sort of like 16th Century French. And of course I had to be there during the period of 'Meech Lake' where Quebec was in one of its intense Nationalistic periods, and Anglos were generally not appreciated.

Montreal is Party City and hard not to have a good time there. Quebec City is very historic and the Winter Carnival there is stupendous. But the deep north and rural Quebec? Very tough for visitors and Anglos with patches of outright hostility if you can't speak the language (which is decidedly not standard French up north!).

Being in the mining industry, I quickly learned the art of swearing in French; ordering food was harder. This is from a great book 'An Anglos Guide to Survival in Quebec'."


Sorry again for the diversion - any mention of Quebec sets me off ... back to the TR :D
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Must be careful not to offend any Quebecois members of AFF ;) , and conscious also not to hijack the thread :(

But I lived and worked for a year in northern Quebec - deep north Quebec, where little English spoken and you realize they don't speak French either - its Quebecois , which a Parisian will tell you is sort of like 16th Century French. And of course I had to be there during the period of 'Meech Lake' where Quebec was in one of its intense Nationalistic periods, and Anglos were generally not appreciated.

Montreal is Party City and hard not to have a good time there. Quebec City is very historic and the Winter Carnival there is stupendous. But the deep north and rural Quebec? Very tough for visitors and Anglos with patches of outright hostility if you can't speak the language (which is decidedly not standard French up north!).

Sorry again for the diversion - any mention of Quebec sets me off ... back to the TR :D

I know what you mean about the Quebecois and there dislike of the French + their dislike of anything speaking English! We have friends that have a cabin on Chaleur Bay and have visited a couple of times.....real eye opener!

When we were in Quebec City 17 years ago:shock: The funicular wasn't working and a local explained the horrible accident.....he then went on to explain it was ok as they were French! Later learnt it was an English lady:!:

We have never encountered any hostility on the trips we've had......Quebec is a fantastic place to visit.
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

I also have a great soft spot for Quebec as I spent a couple of months there teaching dance at summer camp in the Laurentian mountains many years ago. The closest town was Sainte Agathe des Monts. I studied French up to yr 12 but even I had a hard time being understood. It's a truly beautiful part of the world.
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

On our first trip to Niagara Falls ( many many moons ago) I was upset that we couldn't go on the 'Maid of the Mist' boat trip - that was until I actually SAW the falls and the huge chunks of ice going over !

Niagara Falls is spectacular any season.

You were very wise to hire a driver. ;) Next Sunshine Coast AFF dinner ask drron about his experience driving on icy roads :shock:

Maid of the Mist would be dreadful in winter - wonder how many winters they did before giving up?

Sunny Coast AFF dinner - you planning one;) Count us in.

Loving the TR - not just for the Four Seasons tips! I caught the train from Toronto to Halifax back in Jan 1997. A great way to see some beautiful countryside and experience lots of snow! I didn't make it to Montreal as it was just TOO cold! I imagine it is a very pretty city - another one for the ever expanding list!

Really like Train a taste for it in Spain two years ago. Since then we look for ways to include in the itinerary. When you do make it to Montreal make sure you allow time to squeeze in Quebec City!

Gwyneth and family weren't in there?

Saw her again airside assumed she was making her way to the gate. When she entered the terminal they didn't bother with check-in, it was straight up the escalator and into the TSA pre-check queue. These Celebs must have a special way of checking luggage and getting BPs? They were heading to LHR - I know this as her staff staying in LA yelled out - enjoy London.

I had dinner with a former boss who is vegetarian at a Churrascaria (sp??) in Palo Alto last year. Shes aid they're great for vegos (she's not offended by meat being eaten around her), as the salad bars are so extensive. :D

True. The salad bar was overwhelming.

You may be able to get a Status match on Turkisk Airlines still, which, from QF WP / OWE, would give you *A Gold. Details over on this thread http://www.australianfrequentflyer....sion/turkish-airlines-status-match-39599.html It's a little bit old, but apparently people are still getting matched.

Thanks for the tip kevrosmith I need to go and study up.

Thanks amaroo you have provided so much useful info for future trips to USA and Canada, how did you cope with the cold?

Cheers Magpie10 The cold! The lowest it got was around -40C (with wind) in Toronto & Montreal. The essentials - boots, thick-wool lined gloves, thermal underwear, big coat, beanies, scarfs and many layers underneath. We didn't need thermal undies anywhere except Canada....they are an absolute must!

The Canadians are set up to handle the conditions. Montreal has an underground city....more on that soon.

The constant layers on - layers off when entering stores, etc is a PITA and does wonders for the immune system.

I also have a great soft spot for Quebec as I spent a couple of months there teaching dance at summer camp in the Laurentian mountains many years ago. The closest town was Sainte Agathe des Monts. I studied French up to yr 12 but even I had a hard time being understood. It's a truly beautiful part of the world.

That sounds like a whole lot of fun - great experience!
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame


Summer only mooring! Those things you can see sitting on the ice are mooring docks


Imagine it would be a nice place to summer!

That impressive building with the statue is the oldest church in Montreal....built on the foundations of an even older church Head back through time! History of Montreal&rsquo;s oldest chapel &ndash; Marguerite Bourgeoys Museum & Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel You can walk up to the top of the tower and down into the ruins of the original 1675 church - more on that later.


We saw ice skating rinks throughout our trip......but this was the only one that was over deep water!
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

We spent a year in Montreal, loved it. The metro and Reso are fantastic in winter.
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

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Foundations of the original 1675 church. They built the new one right over the top. We did the tour with 12 nuns/sisters......they were very excited :cool:


View from the top of the church looking back at the ice rink. You can just make out the skaters in the distance.

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Walking the streets we came across these cool cats..
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Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Anyone that has been to Paris will recognise these...

met1.jpg met5.jpg

Montreal is very French. It's the Largest city in Quebec, the second largest in Canada and the 15th largest in Nth America Montreal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The place was still a freezer - after walking (mostly slipping) and exploring the modern city we noticed an imax theatre advertising the Hobbit. We were in luck as the English screening was about to was freezing, it was an imax and it's the Hobbit!

Data point - the cost for the four of us in AUD$ after CC charges/fees/conversation was $66.74.......quick scan for prices here is $110.00 :evil:

The movie was much better than the first Hobbit and imax was a great way to see it.

3hrs later we were hungry.....dinner was back in the old city at Vieux-Port Steakhouse Home - Vieux Port Steakhouse


Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Park du Mont-Royal was designed by the same fellow that did NYC Central Park Frederick Law Olmsted - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an all year round park with many winter activities...the day we went - driving to the top & back down again safely was an activity in itself! The icy roads were treacherous and the taxi driver we hailed wasn't all that pleased to take us.


View of Montreal


1976 Olympic Stadium

Safely back on level but still very slippery ground we walked around McGill University which is located smack in the middle of Montreal. We were here to check out Redpath Museum Redpath Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a real gem and well worth stopping in and checking out.

gill3.jpg gill4.jpg

Next was the underground city (RESO) Underground City, Montreal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it's huge at more than 12 SqKm and toasty warm:D The shopping in Canada (Toronto and Montreal) wasn't that good compared to LOTFAP.

Last night in Montreal. We decided to break bread at Holder Restaurant Holder this is a fantastic restaurant, stunning fit-out and food to match - highly recommend this baby!


They were that good - they were gone before the camera came out.
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Perfect winter comfort food!

The Napa Cab Sav was pretty good too;)





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Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Quick dash to the airport and we're confronted with a full-on scene within the terminal. It appears the wild weather has mucked up many itineraries.

Today we're flying to MIA (Miami) and really looking forward to wearing shorts, t-shirts and thongs!


After a longer wait than normal we get the BP's and head for the gate - no AA lounge in YUL. Montreal has a unique style of checking bags weighing of bags or bag belt at the counter. You get your BP and the bags are tagged at the counter - you then take your bags behind the counters where you load the bags one at a time onto a pad. The pad must be a weigh station (not obvious) and then slides onto a lift - the bag does a vertical drop out of sight.

The gate is a busy scene....quite a few people holding AC BP's. Heaps of people approach the counter and are repelled like mozzies flying into a cloud of aeroguard.

Just prior to boarding - we get paged. Approach the desk and hear the words "we have new BP's for you" YES, a 4 x OpUp into F.....F for AA is nothing special however, it's F or J or just a dodgy seat/cabin.....but it's not whY :D


The lady delivering us to the Sunshine


The quintessential TR photo


Another example on how to deliver priority baggage.....that's our bags


YUL from the air


Departing Quebec
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

All photos taken from aircraft should look like this...looking back at the engine and not from behind. ;)
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Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Due to the late call up we were spread over the small F (really J) cabin. The BP's had the parents sitting together in 3E/F and the kids in 5F and 6F.....given it was an OpUp and the flight was full - we didn't bother asking other passengers or crew for seat swaps and happily accepted the seats as they were dealt. The kids took 3E/F and we split up.

My seat buddy was a lovely lady from Ottawa traveling with her family. They were suppose to fly the day before however, with all the airport closures and cancelled flights they lost the first day of their holiday in Costa Rica. Didn't matter as they were staying for 3 months:shock: Her husband is a builder and he shuts his business during winter....every year they holiday somewhere warm for 3 months:shock: What a way to go!!!

SWMBO seat buddy was a suit from the Florida Panthers (Ice Hockey) returning home after losing to the Canadiens the night before. Apparently a nice guy and asked plenty of Q's about travelling around Oz.


Beef salad

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Naval Station Norfolk from 30,000 feet. They got some hardware down there....

As we begun decent the FA came over and complimented the kids on being lovely children, polite and a pleasure to have on board :cool: It was a very nice gesture and made be feel real good inside :)


Approaching MIA


Not sure about the new AA livery. I like the tail however, the silver bullet was a real looker IMO
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Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

The Notre Dame Basilica is very impressive, it is interesting looking at the different architecture from where the rear was damaged by fire.
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Montreal has US pre-customs clearance. All the custom screening is done by US agents before you board the flight. Great system - when we arrived in MIA we walked straight to the baggage collection and out the door.

First time to MIA. The weather isn't the best, cloudy and raining. However, it's 60C warmer than it was when I boarded:D

Bit of a stuff up with the hotel car pick up. Waiting for our bags to arrive I scanned the area and couldn't see my name on any sign.....rang the company, they apologised and asked for us to get the bags and walk outside. Did all that and ended up outside to see a SUV being loaded up by another family. Didn't think much about it until I saw the sign on the car - same company name!

The driver jumped in the car and started the engine and then noticed me looking at him. we locked eyes and stared at each other....he got out of the car and asked my name. Bingo, he loaded up complete nobodies without a booking.

He starts talking to them and it gets a little heated....finally gets them out of the SUV (2 women and 2 kids) and starts dumping their stuff on the pavement ....they are not happy! We make our way over and start loading our of them mouths off at me - I turned and smiled, got in the car, slammed the door and waved goodbye :D

Our digs for Miami is - The Betsy, South Beach

Master Suite Pool View





Best sofa bed impression of Skybed MK1


Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Montreal has US pre-customs clearance. All the custom screening is done by US agents before you board the flight. Great system -


..,. most of the time. Did US pre-clearance in Calgary one late afternoon.

Plane went tech, everybody out while they have a look. Got chatting to a US border protection gal while waiting in the pre-cleared' secure area. She says she hopes they fix it quick - but not entirely for the reason you and I might.

Turns out that once you are 'pre cleared', there is a certain amount of time to actually depart until the clearance 'runs out' (something like 2 hours?).

If the time runs out, you have to re-enter Canada (via full Canadian immigration) :shock:, wait, then 're-enter' the USA via USA pre-clearance for your flight :shock::shock: .

... except being late afternoon, there were no more international flights due to arrive at Calgary and all the Canadian immigration people had gone home! :shock: :( :shock:

Boy, everyone was motivated to get that bird away ASAP.

We made it.

Still avidly following the TR :)
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

This is a classy place with an old world vibe. Well worth staying here when in Miami or just drop in for a meal/drink.





Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Today we're Air-boating on the Everglades. It's basically the only reason we came to Miami, unfortunately it's raining and since we booked before leaving Oz - we're going anyway.

The company we selected provide return transfers from your hotel - the drive to the boat is around 50 mins each way.


These things can go up to 135mph.....for tour rides they top out around 60mph


Saw plenty of these fellows


Riding over the grass is unreal!


Captain Willie


We did a two hour tour and really enjoyed it. The rain was a PITA at top speed but it was still worth doing. The speed they do and the fact they go anywhere makes for a fun's a little like the feeling you get in a chopper.

Cutting a path through all the grass and doing long slides at speed is a hell of a lot of fun!
Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Returning to the hotel we were hungry, it was still raining and the wind was howling - so we settled on lunch at the hotel restaurant BLK Steak.


Angus Hamburger


Crispy Sushi-Fish Tacos......these were sensational!


Rainbow Rolls - Crab, Tuna, Salmon, Hamachi, Tobiko


Dragon Eel - Teriyaki, Avocado, Cucumber

This was a beautiful meal. Well worth booking a table here if you're in town.


Walking off lunch we saw Miami Beach finest doing what appeared to be routine equipment checks.
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Re: Planes, Trains & Automobiles.......& Helicopter....& Airboat - A month in Nth Ame

Amaroo, enjoyed reading the TR and it brought back memories of our trip (almost a year to the day)... doing it slightly rougher in whY but with 17yo niece to mind the (then) 8yo and 10yo:D it saved our sanity.

We all thought it was cold in NYC at slightly below 0deg C so Canadia at -20 would have been not much fun for the slightly confused (and frozen) QLD circulatory system.

Will make notes for the next trip that SWMBO wants to do as a joint 50th in a couple of years time (trying to convince her that the pointy end of the plane might be worth the extra $$)
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