Sydney Adelaide mid morning flight:
This must be the most disappointing Qantas meal I’ve had in years! Purser was one of those “Dad jokes” kinda guy who thought he was really funny but alas, no humour there at all. Spend about half an hour chit chatting with the bloke in 1C before finally serving the rest of the cabin which is always a good start.
After enduring the always horrid Sydney Domestic “Business” lounge, I was genuinely keen for some decent food. But, no, Qantas deems this delayed 11:35am departure way too early for a proper lunch (it was about 12:30 once I got finally served) so the “choice” of three is-called dishes was:
A salad of bright neon pink cooked salmon which smelled like Sydney fish market when you cross the Anzac bridge in the morning

, two scones with clotted cream and jam (this is NOT a meal choice, Qantas, and would be an insult in Economy- also, what’s with this British Airways nonsense on an Australian flight?) or a “Vegetable sandwich on Turkish”. In lieu of anything else edible, I went for the latter and it was even worse than I thought as the so-called vegetables were mostly pumpkin. Pumpkin is not even a vegetable in my book but a sad prop for Halloween and it tasted as disgusting as it sounds.
In case this wasn’t enough carbs, there was also a sugary pastry on the side which was ice cold thanks to Mr. Chit chat and a lame muesli bar. Not good enough for a two hour flight in Business class, not good enough at all! Refreshing to see how everything gets better with the new CEO… Not.