Frustrated rant follows.
Well, after a week of waiting in vain for a reply to my messages (using My Case message function) in relation to not being able to make my claim, I called the hotline and was advised that the problem is that I can't attach 2 DEL numbers to the same email address - yes they know that is an issue for a lot of people and they are working on it. Might have been good to get that sorted before going live??
Then they said that on the first DEL# (the one I used to register because it was the first one that arrived for me), Mr Seat 0A had already made a successful claim on the same DEL no. He only got one DEL#, and we did not compare notes to realise he had the same number as one of mine. Now that's probably because I used my FF points to book him an award flight. But what is totally weird is that he registered
2 days after I did - so I don't know why they let him register when I had already done so - seems like the same DEL# can be associated with 2 email addresses, even if 2 DELs can't associate with 1 email address

Anyway, his claim went straight through, and he is now in the 60 day wait queue for his payment. Looks like his flight was QF1765 on 6 June 2022. I think that might be OOL-CBR, but not completely sure as I don't have detailed records going that far back. And very unhelpfully, we can't go that far back on the QF web site in the account activity to find these flights either.
The recommended solution for my problem that my claim is stalled, with only the web form already submitted visible in My Case, was to use a different email address and re-register with the second DEL no that I received. The person on the help line said that would solve all my problems and i would go straight to the bank details page. I said, won't that be an issue if I use an email that is not the same as the one I used to make the booking and he said that it would not. He said he could see that I had at least one eligible flight, but could not see the details. So I did the whole registration and account set up process again

, and no surprise, it did exactly the same thing - form submitted fine (confirmed), but My Case did not go to the bank details or eligible flights screens everyone else is getting.
So I called helpline again and got a different person who was totally useless. It took nearly 5 minutes for her to even understand what my issue was. Then she rambled on and on about the first DEL# and the fact that it had been claimed and so I was now no longer eligible to claim. No answer as to how someone else was able to claim on that DEL# after I had already registered against it. Plus I thought these DEL# were supposed to be a "unique code" - strange definition of unique. No answer as to why my second registration with a different DEL# that is only mine did not work. No answer to what the affected flights are. No idea when anyone would make a decision or contact me. No, there is no way for me to contact anyone directly. Eventually she said that I just needed to "trust in the process"

OMG red rag to a bull. This is a very opaque process, I don't really trust Qantas, and now it looks like Deloitte are the other evil twin when it comes to customer service.
Thanks for listening. Rant over.