Here is a sample of what is occurring this evening (Wednesday 16 December) post the storms (and Cronulla alleged tornado):
Southbound from SYD to MEL, QF cancelled QF427, QF429, QF431 and QF439. respectively, these were the 1100, 1130, 1200 and 1400 hours departures. (Just for good luck, JQ also canclled one of its flights southbound during that time band).
QF443, the 1500 from SYD to MEL took off at 1806 and is about to arrive at 1917 hours, two hours and 42 minutes behind time (B738 VH-VZM). QF445, the 1530 hours flight (B738 VH-XZN) is closely following and should arrive at 1919, two hours and 14 minutes late. QF437, the very badly delayed 1330 hours ex the NSW capital is next and should be at a MEL gate at 1921, four hours and 16 minutes late, with VH-VXO, another ubiquitous B738 undertaking the task. QF455, the 1730 ex SYD is less late and with A332 VH-EBP doing the honours is forecast to arrive at 1946, "only" 41 minutes late.
QF449, the 1630 hours departure is behind it and due to arrive in the Victorian capital where the weather is sunny and very warm at 1951 hours, an hour and 46 late (VH-EBV, another A332). QF469 is the next southbound from SYD to MEL, the scheduled 1615 hours departure which isnow likely to arrive at 1957, two hours and seven minutes late, with B738 VH-XZL the aircraft.
So in this microcosm it is 'hit and miss' as to which time flight gets one to a destination first on a more heavily trafficked route. As always I assume that AFFers 'with status' get looked after and (subject to luggage being able to be moved) get placed on the 'first available.'
QF1554, the 1930 hours CBR to BNE (B717 VH-YQS) took off at 2142 and should arrive at 2154 AEST in lieu of 2015 hours, a significant delay.
Some flights however have not been affected. QF549, the 1725 hours BNE to SYD is expected to be only four minutes late arriving at 1804 (B738 VH-VXT). Conversely QF580, the 1120 from PER to SYD that was probably nowhere near the SYD storms today did not take off until 1227 WST and in the shape of A332 VH-EBE is expected to be 64 minutes late when it shortly puls up in SYD at 1934 hours.
While today's weather was an extreme case according to the BOM, the value of a properly built and competently operated high speed rail network between BNE/OOL/SYD/CBR/ ABX/ MEL and other stations would be shown. It would not be perfect but overseas shows how much more reliable it is (and also how much market share it would take from airlines: varying according to distance and time, but on a route like SYD - MEL it would become dominant).