It is awaiting the inbound positioning flight QF6006 that was due to leave MEL at 1130 and still hasn’t departed yet. QF7 has now been delayed further to 1900.
The empty flight, QF6006 (A388 VH-OQE) took off from MEL at 1545 so arrival in SYD should be around the 1655 hours mark, in sufficient time - in theory- to form a 1900 hours QF7 ex SYD for DFW.
QF43 (1650 hours afternoon SYD up to DPS) departed at 1811 hours so arrival will be 2102 hours, 62 late, delaying QF44 back down to SYD.
The 1920 hours SYD - HNL, QF3, is suggested as departing at 2015 with same day arrival 0905 hours, 50 behind.
Friday 31 January's QF12 pushed back in LAX an hour late at 2330. The at gate time for SYD arrival on Sunday 2 looks like 0922 hours, 52 late. 'The 94' ex LAX is worse, with pushback predicted at 0045 on Saturday, 115 late, and MEL Sunday arrival estimated as 1110 hours, 80 minutes behind schedule. If latter forms QF35 (1210 hours to SIN) tomorrow, it will be delayed departing.
QF16, Friday's late night 2320 hours from LAX to BNE is likely to depart at 0100 on Saturday with Sunday arrival around 0850 hours, 95 minutes tardy.
UPDATE: QF7 departed SYD at 1918 (278 minutes late) with same day DFW arrival becoming a suggested 1725 hours, 270 behind. With QF8 timetabld to push back at 1945 hours, there should be a small additional margin for the turnaround. Hopefully it will punctually depart.
QF3 was off blocks at 2028. Expected HNL arrival has been changed a tiny amount from that predicted above to 0912 hours.