The ABS stats do indicate this to be the case, although they lump stopovers and destinations together, the earlier data I mentioned indicated just 3000 people stopped at the UAE in June, versus 90000 for Singapore. I think the success the carriers are having is in the Europe based traffic where the passenger is most interested in getting to their destination, there is no doubt that its easier via the Middle East with its connections taking LHR out of the equation.
Thanks markis - I think what I was driving at, was that exact point. If you're not that interested in stopping over, then does it really matter where the transit point is? I for one loathe stopovers. I'm sure Singapore has its charms, but I'd rather throw some money at a J class airfare and get to my destination faster/more directly. Does the lack of stopovers in UAE also indicate a preference for people to not stopover when they have more direct routings into Europe available?
To be honest, if I really wanted a stopover on the way to Europe, I'd go via the USA. If only QF would get their act together with AA and BA or IB and let us connect more seamlessly in that direction!

OT slightly, but I have never understood why QF don't fly their metal from LAX or JFK to LHR - is it rights? BA and IB fly ex USA, so what gives??