I've only seen "ghost" segments in the upgraded class show up briefly when the requests are being confirmed. I guess how it works is it pops in but is not HK (confirmed) until some other processes occur in the backend. When I've seen those "ghost" segments pop up it's been a sure sign I've been upgraded. indeed usually I see the "ghost", then can select a seat in F, and finally the J sector goes away and it's confirmed in P. Not always, but I've seen it happen a few times.
Agree with TTR that it's absolutely "small" things that can make a real difference - specially at the level P1 is pitched at. We've all flown enough to know the upgrade lottery(for example) or that things can go pear shaped, equipment subs, snafus etc happen but these small things can make a real difference - both positive and negative. I remember a P1 member here(I think) got P1 SST to be involved in organising a proposal which seemed to work very well.. another effort for a significant birthday etc... and I always assumed that's what the "Special Service" in SST was for.
When those sorts of things are done great then that has a lasting impression that's good. When other things are NOT done well - such as PF's interactions over recent days, or even my own (very very minor) interaction last year for a BP message that never showed up.. you remember these things. It's a downer because really QF as a whole try so very hard and when they get it right they do an unbelievable job! I've had a few experiences of this myself - and not just due to me being P1 - just simple things like dom J crews performing an exceptional service, and so on.
I think it does come down to a lack of care - and maybe a lack of resources, or authrority to do things, or whatever that annoy with the SST. As suggested they seem to have to refer to other departments for a lot of stuff, which can be the norm in many large organisations, but it also comes across to us - the paying public - as frustrating. Plus, when things are promised and not delivered - big or small - it's not good, and when we spend a metric boatload one way or another then you do think "Is this worth it? Why not go elsewhere?" and I think this is the sort of thing QF management should be aware of and should strive to make better.
I'd happily give back the bottle of Krug from last Christmas if I knew all these little things would be taken care of in the way the hype promises.
It seems to me now that many examples given here show a general lack of care to do things RIGHT. I'm not suggesting individual members of the SST themselves don't care, or want to do the best, but things seem to come across as generally sloppy in some respects, inconsistent (very good, and rather less so) - and while, as customers, we shouldn't be privy to all that goes on, or has to, behind the scenes, we shouldn't *need* to, because the service offered should be consistently good without these "little annoyances" - because isn't that what SST is supposed to be proactive about - to remove those things to give you a really good traveling experience? I don't mean that that must mean all upgrades must clear all the time or anything like that, but things that we as customers should NOT have to chance up with them more than once (and hopefully never once). we hsouldn't have to use our ability to use tools like ExpertFlyer to look at sales availability or seat maps in cabins, we shouldn't have to waste time calling several times about small items like aircraft changes causing issues, or the priority of an upgrade request, or whatever).
This sounds like a rant, and I have no real reason to rant as personally I've had pretty good experiences with QF since being P1. A couple of free op ups on domestic sectors being appreciated, and all my upgrades have cleared internationally which has been a Godsend but I do read the experiences here over time and draw my own conclusions.
I think P1 is probably 80% pretty good, and 20% disappointing... and of course you usually only hear about the times things are not up to scratch(at least in a customer's view) and those stick with you.
I just requalified last weekend for another year of P1 so one way or another I'll experience it for awhile yet