I think we all know QF will NEVER come close to the levels of service, but specially the soft product, offered by the likes of QR and SQ. They just won't. That's not to be anti QF so much as to express that QF has always been in a second tier when it comes to premium travel in F and J (but above quite a few others, such as the US majors). It's just the way it is. Krug or Dom on QF? doubt it. The levels of options or even REAL book the cook type options as on SQ? Doubt it. The sheer variety of wine, spirits, tea, coffes etc... nope. A full caviar course with all the trappings in mini F? I'll win the lottery first. Now not everyone cares about such things (a bit like doors

) but some do, and these are all elements of a "true" F experience. QF just isn't at that level of almost over the top levels of service that you get in say the SQ suites, EY F, QR F, EK F etc (and even QR J with certain elements)
I really have enjoyed QF service, specially in F, but also in J, on many intl routes. It's closer to NZ cultural wise with a friendly, relaxed, "Australian" type vibe most of the time and it's a level that suits me compared to some carriers where there's a lot of bowing and scaping - no, I may be in F, but I am not the King of Siam. I just know what to expect from QF. Just as I expect even less from the likes of United on transpac (let alone domestic

And for me it's about tempering expectations - not so much accepting of poor standards or whatever but of what I'm happy with for what I pay ($$ or points) to achieve a goal or get to where I want but understanding that QF will never be SQ - but nor do I think it ever aims to be SQ, EK or QR.