As there is no Gold thread l will add this just as information.
The Mod's can delete it if they think it should not be here.
Ok, time to share!
On Thurs last week l contacted QF to once again chase up some missing QANTAS DRIVE points (this happens about every 2nd time l use this service)
When you book this service you do so over the phone with a QF sales agent. Whilst you are on the line they put you on hold while they ring the car company (usually Hughes limousines) and make the booking on your behalf.
The problem with this service is you don't recieve any form of confirmation, no E-mail, nor is there any rule to attach this reservation to your flight booking :evil:
Whilst they say it is common sense to list the reservation to the flight booking it only occurs about once in every 2 bookings in my experience.
So l am forever chasing missing points.:-|
The reason l use this service is due to QF giving 5 points for each dollar spent so when l pay with my AMEX Gold in total l recieve 12.5 points per $ spent and that is the best transfer rate possible useing a "business pays principle.
Anyway, last week l was trying to sort the problem out and the QF rep noticed that my QF gold status was maturing on Feb 28 and l was still 160 points shy of renewal with no bookings pending.
The agent noticed my loyalty via my previous history and usual J/F cabin pref and asked, had l recieved the invitation to state my future flight intentions for consideration of a status retention.
I said no l have never got one of those things, so he said he would have one E-mailed to me.
Well none came,:evil: I have always wanted to get one of these things
But today l recieve a gift basket of 6 bottles of mixed aussie wines of excellent quality plus a QF travel voucher (250.00) with a hand written note of appology re the missing points from the same agent.

He also provided me with a "service planning managers" name and phone number to contact re my recomendations for fixing the QANTAS DRIVE problem.
I then log onto my QF FF account and low and behold find my status renewed to gold until Feb 2010. :shock:
I have just got off the phone from the call to the "manager" where l have been asked to take part in a focus group re the drive programe.
It seems (according to her) that only 1 out of 4 QF agents know anything about the programe and this has stumped QF senior trainers who don't train on the programe at all.
I have been invited to attend an interview/meeting when next in SYD (March) at Mascot center.
QANTAS never ceases to suprise me