2xY SYD-BNE return requested & approved immediately. Called around 2100 last night, went straight to HBA, no wait time. The agent was super helpful, however, the tickets did not arrive. Woke up this morning to no tickets, points not deducted, CC not charged for fees.
Called again this morning - 10 minute wait, answered by HBA. Confirmed that the ticketing has not progressed. Learnt that normal bookings ($/CR) will be ticketed as usual, however, if CR booking is made by requesting release of seats, there needs to be a manual calculation step that needs to be done before the *automated* ticketing job does it's thing. The HBA agent was able to do the manual calculation and left it, from where the *automated* ticketing will happen.
e-ticket landed in under 4 mins after the call was completed. 5-5-3 at the survey