1/10 for spelling and grammar
your package registered code no ovx950.
[email protected]>
Please I will like to inform you regarding the delivering of your funds with the dhl company Uganda agent,
he will need your information to complete the delivery of your package ( consignment box ) with,
him worth's of $69,849 million dollars your to provide him your name address nearest airport
and telephone no is due to our agreement with the DHL delivering company and noted that you have to provide him the information correctly for the smooth delivery of your package he at Diego international
airport California please make sure your take care of him and know is not American citizen thank agent name jerry Kevin
1)shipment code gjk72dwq
2)package registered code no ovx950.
3)security code eytu/3055wez/263/
4)transaction code 7126/jlfs/7138/17305/
5)certificate deposit code mcbs/pqle/2-6/41
Your full name =============
Your mobile phone number ========
Your city ==================
Your nearest airport ===========
Your country=================
Your current home address ========
Email him now (
[email protected]_
Thank you so much my name is
Rev. Dr. Douglas Morrison
The director of DHL courier company