I think there is middle ground. - I also think we're pretty much in that space now.
CL, P1, WP, SG, PS all get their chance at picking a seat in advance based on their status.
If you book late, change flights etc, then realistically you need to accept that other people have had the opportunity to take your "favourite seat" - Which incidentally you do not own, nor have any exclusive rights to, Sure you have an opportunity to get it before hand, but so do others of your same level and once those rights expire others.
In this and previous posts Feper you have forgotten or rather ignored the person on the other end of the equation, and in this case, what if I was in 11F or whatever, you just want to kick me out because your QF value is in your opinion higher than mine? People are not going to go around with a sign on them with a $ value number on their shirt to get different perceived treatment levels. you are just guessing and in no way can you determine otherwise.
Likewise what is the impact to existing and potential customers? I'm only a WP, but one day I may be a CL P1 (who knows) if Qantas kept kicking me out of my seat and shifting me around for others I would feel pretty ordinary and most likely shift my spend at some breaking point, and eventually you may have no airline to fly on.
At the end of the day, its just a seat on something that gets us from A to B not some status symbol for what we are worth, Yes we have our favourites, but as a very generalist rule, seats in J and above there really isn't a lot of difference. (ignoring extremes of course)
Just my .02 Free Peopels Republic of West Footscray roubles.