@Ken1 It may be easier to take the F saver on your preferred flight and keep your advantage J seat and ask SQ to waitlist you into F. That way you still have confirmed seats on your preferred flights and do not have to overnight in SIN. The waitlist can clear at any time up to 14 days and if you read @Cruiser Elite comments up thread you can ask for chaser. On a recent booking BNE-SIN-SEA I also waitlisted MEL-SIN as this is an easier transfer and it took around 6 weeks to clear. Also the ticketing timeframe you have been given is the standard few days, IME if you ask they can extend out to around mid June.
@Matt_01. The Advantage J seats that we had on SQ222/322 do not show when doing an F search so I wouldn't be able to waitlist for those flights. Are these the flights you are suggesting that I could ask if they can extend longer before ticketing again?
Mrs Ken1 is already confirmed as "Reserved" in F Saver SQ242/306 but not ticketed yet. This is a combination with a 50 minute layover time in SIN. The SQ222 and SQ322 J flights that we originally booked and have been re-instated are showing as "Available for Confirmation" for both of us.
I am "Reserved" on F Saver SQ228 MEL-SIN and waitlisted SQ306 SIN-LHR. I asked about waitlisting SYD-SIN SQ242 so I could be on the same flight as Mrs Ken1 and originally I was told that this couldn't be done on the same day as the MEL-LHR flights I had waitlisted but now that I have the MEL-SIN flight "Reserved" my bookings now show SYD-SIN SQ242 as waitlisted so that was added after my call yesterday. They have also put in a waitlist request for Mrs Ken1 for SQ228 MEL-SIN so if my request for SYD-SIN doesn't clear and that does we could both fly via MEL although we would of course prefer to fly from SYD.
I have searched for two F seats for SIN-LHR and there are two Advantage seats still available with "Saver not available" so I guess I just have to wait and see if they release one of those as Saver. I changed the search to one adult for Saver and it shows Waitlist on the flight I am waitlisted on so it appears that they may consider releasing seats they are trying to sell as Advantage at Saver rates at some stage. The 777-300ER only have 4 F seats so one must have already been booked.
Both of our bookings are mixed up with the wrong combination of flights in my account since my call yesterday, with one F and one of the original J flights mixed together but hopefully so long as the individual flight segments are there I hope that shouldn't be a problem. I called back yesterday afternoon after I noticed this but after waiting two and a half hours I gave up.
When they reinstated the original booked J flights I received emails telling me that "the following waitlisted flight(s) is available for confirmation:". For Mrs Ken1 it said "Your waitlisted flight will be cancelled if no confirmation is received by 08 Mar 2022, 20:00 (GMT +8)."
The email for mine said:
"Your waitlisted flight will be cancelled if no confirmation is received by 11 Mar 2022, 20:00 (GMT +8). |
For fully unticketed bookings with multiple similar and confirmed flight segments, only the latest confirmed flight will be retained. The other flight segments will be removed three days from your receipt of this email. The ticketing deadline will still apply for the remaining confirmed flight segments."
I'll have to call tomorrow to check on this sentence about unticketed bookings being removed after 3 days in my booking, which was not listed on Mrs Ken1s bookings.
So would you suggest that if the waitlists aren't opened up soon that I ask them to extend our original J SQ222/322 seats, possibly until June, and that I confirm Mrs Ken1's SYD-SIN-LHR F Saver and hold my MEL-SIN with waitlist SIN-LHR and hope that this clears by June, or that I confirm the original J flights and ask them to hold these F bookings?