Hi des,
Sorry about the extremely belated reply.
the Nova Credit reporting method was a breeze. Interesting as well because during the process you are provided with the full credit report that AMEX US gets to see.
So once I had done the application using my drivers licence and Medicare card of all things! plus a US phone number generated with text+ I got a message requesting I call AMEX US. To clarify some details. Long story short they just wanted to verify my US address..... Good old Express Lane

no problems there!
During the phone call the lovely operator asked If I could provide a bank statement showing proof of my address ......... ROAD BLOCK! I made an excuse and got the fax number and said I would fax one through.
At this point I had no idea what to do. So I slept on it and the following day it occurred to me that I could probably change my address for one of my Australian bank accounts and use a statement from them. Citibank was the likely choice seeing as though they are a global bank. Anyway the process to change my address on the Citibank website was relatively easy and a few days later I got the texts/email from Citibank telling me my address was updatEd. Luckily it was just before my credit card statement was due to be generated and VOILA! One Citibank credit card statement with my Express Lane address on it.
Faxed it off to the number the operator had provided and followed it up with a phone call the following day. I should probably note at this point that I had my phone number on private during all of these conversations to not raise any eyebrows regarding the Australian number. The operator checked the document was received, then confirmed that it was accepted as sufficient supporting documentation and progressed the application for approval. About eight hours later I received a call (via Text+ on my US number) congratulating me on my approval and that I would receive my card in about a week.
Queue the slew of American Express emails for new card members.
Unfortunately to this day I STILL do not have my card. It never ever arrived in myUS.com suite after about three weeks (I let it go for so long because of the corona virus drama going on at the moment) . I called the AMEX US customer service and requested a new card be sent over night to me because the other one never arrived. I asked the customer service rep to check if my suite number had been added to the address and apparently it had not! Just as some people experienced waaaay back at the start of this thread. So mystery solved.
Since then I am just waiting for FedEx to get it to me from MyUS.com. ETA currently at next Tuesday. Not surprisingly once the suite number was added it showed up the next day.
The card I got was the basic no annual fee Hilton Honors card. Itās pretty no frills, but when this Corona Virus fiasco started it was pretty clear I wouldnāt be doing much travelling for a while, so why pay massive annual fees in the meantime? It was also a bit of a strategic choice too. One of the measures of a credit score in the US is the length of your relationships with credit providers. I will never close this credit card. And with no annual fee even if I never use it thereās no love lost, but it will be my longest established line of credit. FOR FREE

I am not sure if they are still running the promotion but I also signed up during a ā100,000 HH points for new card members after $1000 spendā which I think is a fair bit higher than their normal signup bonus. And $1000 spend even with the coughpy current exchange rate should be fairly easy to achieve.
I have not had to pay a bill yet obviously, but I imagine I will use the same methods already discussed up thread. I am hanging out for transferwise to sort out Direct Debits on their US accounts then I will be set.
Apologies for the novel, just wanted to be thorough.
Happy Easter all and stay safe!