Ok back in for one final round, a couple of points I will pick up some members on.
A couple of people have said that P1 is not a level, it is merely WP with benefits, seriously all don"k kid yourself here, P1 is indeed now the top level, that is why it is clearly printed on boarding passes and passenger manifests, some bright spart in QF marketing thought we will call it P1 so we don't have all the WP's bleating that they are no longer at the top of the pile (as they have throughout this thread). It is quiet clear to me that over the past 12 months, my upgrades have gone through the roof, never any issues changing flights and most times very well looked after so much more than pre P1 days
For me a lounge is not a place to "have an experience" or see how much cheap champagne I can guzzle, it is my office, my dining room and my bathroom, travel as much as I do and yes these things are important to keep me and my business on top of things, so yes I do expect to be able to utilise these facilitys; sure it may be a first world "problem" but then the whole idea of a lounge is a first world experience, so please stop throwing in that line.
My whole point throughout this thread is to give F,CL & P1 an area of their own, where they can be guaranteed to access a meal, a seat, and a shower ( and to be kept a arms length from the great unwashed of WP would be a bonus)
Would love to keep you all amused further but I have a plane to catch, and yes, I got the free upgrade again ( must be that mythical P1 level that doesn't exist)