I was at The Bridge in HKG a couple of months back, and got chatting with one of the wonderful staff who noticed me looking at some of the artwork on the shelves. I wanted to slightly adjust the angle of one of the bears for a photo and realised they had been superglued in place.
Not unusual as I've seen that often in some hotels in China, but she explained they had done so as a "guest" had swiped one of the large plates (there is now only one) within the first couple of weeks of opening, and that it was also not at all unusual for other "guests" to fill plastic containers to the brim from the buffet.
I wasn't sure I'd heard correctly and asked if she meant more than one container, and she confirmed - 3 each; once filled, they placed in their plastic bags as they left the lounge. For the record, she commented they weren't western, and that it happens quite often. I got the impression they aren't at all impressed by it happening, but as she said, there really isn't much they can do to prevent it.