I hope you'll forgive me for big-noting myself, but I have a couple of science degrees, have published peer reviewed scientific papers and belong to 3 or 4 scientific societies (just to set some cred

What galls me about all this talk about 'science' and 'science being settled' and 'science is correct' is that such notions are NOT part of 'science'. In science
everything is (or should be) able to be questioned; debated; examined and so on without hindrance. Those theories and ideas that survive such examinations - often hostile - are made stronger but that's never the end of the matter in hand. The next guy is perfectly entitled to shape up again.
Data should never be with-held from scrutiny; anyone who wants to challenge a theory or even a physics 'law' should be entitled and even encouraged to.
If the anthropogenic theories of global warming are sound, the proponents should say to the sceptics : "C'mon, throw at my work everything you've got." But they don't. Sceptics are muzzled in the scientific journals, derided in scientific colloquia and generally drummed out.
The 'Manne hockey stick' and 95% of the models relating global temperature to CO2 emissions published by the IGPCC have clearly been shown to be wrong, by the current 18 years or so pause in global temperature rise. For those who believe the theory, that shouldn't be a problem - theories change as more data is collected. But many players have invested so much of their credibility defending the old theory (not un-related to funding proposals, I suggest) that they simply can't acknowledge the observations, preferring their theory over observations.
We can disagree on 'global warming, the causes etc. But please, oh please banish all notion of some science being 'correct' or 'settled'.
It never is. There are various degrees of likelihood, but the history is littered with 'scientific revolutions', where the almost universally accepted theory is overturned in a very short time but a new theory that fits the evidence better. Quantum mechanics; continental drift to name but two. Einstein was completely wrong in his 'denial' of Quantum mechanics. Imagine if he got as vilified as anthropomorphic climate change sceptics are today!