Next day, our final travel day, Bishkek to the Kazakhstan capital of Almaty.
Fortunately the day dawned bright and sunny, and I noticed a view from out my hotel window:
That's the Tien Shan mountains or 'Heavenly mountain' range that runs from behind Bishkek to behind Almaty. We asked for a photo stop on the way out of town. Quite the backdrop!!
We were warned about a short, but 'aggressive' border crossing into Kazakhstan, with day traders pushing and shoving. In the end it was pretty benign and we all went across pretty easily. Our 5th Stan!!
Across the border the countryside changed dramatically, and our guide - the one from Kyrgyz republic stayed with us into Kazakhstan - sniffed that Kazakhstan didn't have mountains. At this stage, he looked right - just a grassy steppe.
The highway from the borderinto Almaty is currently being twinned, so it will be great in the future but today it was a slow ride, with lots of roadworks. And then we hit a forecast trafic jam. On the outskirts of Almaty there is a Saturday 'motor market' - unfortunately, they forgot to bring the road, so for about 5-10 km we suffered a complete traffic jam. Not the best introduction to the city!
Looking at the locals, it seems very westernised. We are, again, in a notionally Muslim country.