Ignoring the comments from the cheap seats ... whatever they may mean ...
I moved digs from the tour hotel to the new Novotel, not far away, and it was a great move. While was waiting for my taxi, the tour hotel reception told me that 'my friend' (ie JohnM) had said that I would pay for his early morning taxi to the airport. No! I thought. he wouldn't do that, would he?
Typical Novotel - staff all good, restaurant good to very good if you want it, a good bar (and 'welcome' drink chits for Accor gold

). Its also right next to the cable-car station, which intended to go on.
View across to the Kazakhstan Hotel.
Joined up with 6 from the tour who weren't flying out till tonght for a ride up the cable car to a hill and look-out.
On the hill are look-outs, restaurants, lots of stuff for kids, a pretty tacky small zoo (mainly birds), oh, and these guys:
Erected by some local fans, apparently and possibly the only 'memorial' with all 4 together.
The Almaty broadcast tower (no going up it). The mountains behind the city were unfortunately mostly shrouded this day; it rained later.
Some of the kids amusements. They dominate the upper part of the site.