Those most at risk - front liners etc, have Pfizer, all good. About 3.5 million more of these are already on order. Not enough, sure, but will cover many more of those most at risk.
The next at risk - the seniors and older people with underlying medical conditions can safely get AZ, - all good.
Those at much lesser risk of getting seriously ill with COVID - under 50s, may have to wait a little longer OR, taking the risks as they are measured and in comparison with
equivalent or greater medical and other risks they accept every day, they can opt for AZ.
The sky isn't falling, folks, nor is there some sinister
gov'mint conspiracy to ... well, I don't know what the conspiracy could possibly be. Like most conspiracy theories, the rationale is not readily apparent.
As for waiting longer - there is little or no covid in the community in Australia AND if you think you are going to be able to safely travel overseas this year (other than a few bubble countries), I reckon you are dreaming, and not only from insurance and government (ours or theirs) travel restrictions points of view. Just be thankful that we are in one of the safest countries on earth.
Oh - just a thought. I wonder where those who were complaining that the roll-out was all too slow are at? Can you imagine the howls if the government had super rushed the roll-out (if there was suppy, which there hasn't been), gave everyone the AZ and then announced this?
Wah! They didn't do enough research!
Wah! Our health is at risk!