We then moved onto Cork, the second largest city in Ireland, with a population of about 126,000. The city centre is on an island in the river Lee. The transport authorities have done a very good job with a "park and ride" system for the bus. For €5 you can park your car, about 15 minutes out of town, in a fenced and monitored compound. Then you and up to 3 passengers per car catch a free and frequent bus that drops you in the centre of town. And, the bus has free, and very fast, wifi on board. Even though it is only a relatively small city the traffic, like most cities in Ireland, is very bad.
We drove into town at about 2030 on a sunny Sunday evening and it was very pleasant having a walk around the wide streets and riverbanks. The next day we went back in for a "proper" look and unfortunately the clouds had appeared again. Again, a lot of my photos have disappeared. It is a more interesting town than I am , unfortunately, able to show.
Cork City Hall. The building in the background is The Elysian, which is the tallest building in Eire. It is 17 stories high.
Some old dockside buildings
A small tributary dividing the main island of Cork. The old city walls are in the background.
In case you didn't remember where we are. The town has quite steep hills on one side.
The old wharves used to run on both sides of the river. There are some interesting buildings along the riverbank.
One of the malls in Cork. This was taken at about 2100. It is much busier and with a lot less cars during the day. @#%** lost photos.