Worth a good chuckle. Clever.
'Try not to lie, but if you do, do it as well as the priest."..........
The Priest who could not lie :!:
A distinguished looking young lady is on a flight returning from Switzerland. She finds herself seated next to a priest and asks" Excuse
me father, may I ask a favor of you?"
"Well of course Miss, what can I do for you?" he replies.
"Here's the dilemma, I purchased for myself, a superbly sophisticated electronic hair remover. I paid a lot of money for it. I really went well over the limits set forth by Customs, and I fear they will confiscate it from me. Could you perhaps secret it through Customs for me under your robes?"
"I certainly could my dear, only I must warn you I really am not ever able to lie..."
"You have such an honest face father, surely they will never ask any questions of you," and with that she hands him the hair remover.
After landing they proceed through Customs and it becomes the father's turn in line.
"Father, do you have anything to declare?" asks the Custom's officer.
"From the top of my head to my waist I have nothing to declare my son."
Finding this answer a little strange the custom's officer proceeds to ask, "And from the waist to the floor, what do you have to declare?"
The father replies, "I have a marvelous little instrument destined to be used on a woman, but which has never yet been used..."
Roaring with laughter the Custom's officer says, "Go right through father.

:roll: 8)