So to play devil's advocate - what should, if any, the role of speed limits and/or speed enforcement measures play in overall traffic and traffic safety?
One model could be like the German autobahns. The autobahns are widely believed to have "no speed limit". This is not completely true - autobahns have "advisory speed limits". Exceeding these limits is not enforceable (you can't get a speeding ticket for it), however if you are involved in an accident and were found to be speeding, your chances of being found proportionally culpable to causing the accident dramatically increases.
Speed limits should be set at appropriate levels given road conditions and all related factors, not just "make the limit lower". People trusted to obey the limit instead of, for example, these stupid speed bumps everywhere that force you to be much slower than the speed limit, and increase traffic noise and fuel consumption.
Rationalise speed limits in the process. No more roads on which the speed limit will change from 60,70,80,70,90,70 on the same road, within a handful of km and with no apparent change to the physical road.
Enforce the speed limits instead of punishing honest drivers.
Properly analyse risk. Properly categorise accident causes, eg the suggestion that police almost always include speed as a cause of accidents.
Not sure about autobahn situations. There are very few cases in Australia of roads that have the physical separation of roads with the surrounding environment to allow removal of a limit. I can think of a number of roads that could have a limit of 130 to 150, in good conditions. But the dolt drivers in this country would also think that's good for night time driving in rain.
Which gets me to the real answer that we should adopt from Germany, and Europe for that matter, Education. Why stuff around with speed limits and enforcement when we simply are not educating drivers properly?