Does anyone ever wonder what strangers are thinking when they are looking at you?
Famous quote, from Eleanour Roosevelt.
"You wouldn't worry so much about what people really thought of you if you knew just how seldom they do."
Is it usually a peak travel season (or shoulder) in May? I would've thought not - after Easter is over, all the kids are back in their institutions and then there's the usual business rush to the end of FY.
Looking at flights throughout May, most of them are pretty high. Award availability from Australia seems to be quite thin.
I know there is a late Easter this year, but is there an event I'm not considering?
May is usually a quiet month for airline travel, but the way Qantas has cut its international service then you might find some difficultly in finding the flight you want.
For those of us who need to look at a Tube map, here's some wacky alternatives....
17 London Underground Maps You Never Knew You Needed
Some of them are good, I like the one that is accurate, drawn to scale, gives you true indication which way north is.
When I was younger dad worked shift work and I used to go shopping with mum on Thursday nights. I would push the trolley and she would hand me the items. I would keep a running total in my head and mum would know how much she was spending before we got to cash register. Very rare to see a mistake.
I miss those days. Something went wrong somewhere along the way.
In the 70s or earlier goods were cheaper and so it was easier to keep a running total in your head, but with more things to buy and more options and combinations with larger numbers to remember makes it more difficult to keep a running tally. When I get those Coles vouchers where it says spend over $70 then I usually get to about $50 and give up, and usually I know I have enough to crack the target I need.
I recall in 1973 , acquiring a hand calculator for around $40? to help in my high school mathematics. As a comparative.....I was a check out chick at Woolies Toowong, and earned $4.71 net for my Saturday morning shift. John.
Hi John, its been a long time since I heard from you. My modern day Iphone is probably just as good a calculator as one you would have brought 40 years ago.
Not sure if you have seen these photos of Sydney,
from the paper last night, when I hear news stories of Sydney I wonder where in the world you are.
Last week I mentioned.
Current lifetime Status credits:
You have attained
lifetime Silver recognition.
A total of 14,000 lifetime Status credits is required for
lifetime Gold recognition.
Received the official letter today from Qantas confirming the silver lifetime status. I will have to stick it in the book I have with the rest of the boarding passes. I have about 300-400 boarding passes stuck in a Spirax booklet.