Anyone tried the build your Magnum ice cream in Sydney's Centre Point ? Pretty good crowd was building when I walked past.
Was going to with daughter on Friday but then when we went to look at it - all was not what we had assumed.
You do not get to 'make' it yourself.
You get to observe one of the staff doing it.
BUT that is only after you've spent up to 7 minutes (how long we watched one 20 something struggle with the 50+ choices of what you want them to 'dip' your magnum into. "I think I'll have xx_ no make that yyy and zzz with some bbb, no second thoughts can we start again? I'll have xx_ and zzz with some aaa and fff. Can I have fff & ggg," and on it went.
You get the picture.
They have a PC screen with all the options and you get to look at a card with them on and have to make up your mind. There were three screens/operators at once. Not one person's order went forward in the 7 minutes we watched and they had been going before we walked up.
Some Uni should study this operation - ability to make quick decisions not good. I kept thinking no wonder the number of pedestrians getting hit has risen. I could just see these people stepping off the footpath (without looking anywhere but down at their phone), hearing a car/truck horn blare out, look up and start to wonder - 'Do I jump forwards or backwards, forwards or backwards,' CRUNCH, SPLAT (cue sirens).
So we gave up on the idea - as we could not make our own but watch someone do it much the same as an Ice Cream truck does. There were 19 people in the queue before the screens so figured it would also be a long wait.