So how is this all diff to security screening at airports? How frustrating is it to watch the 5 minute process it takes most blonks to prepare to go through screen?
5 Minutes?
You must always pick the quick cash register queues in the supermarket.
Last Dec we were heading through to C&I just as they shut a bank of scanners. We had a choice of 4 scanners. We picked the one nearest (as there were 40+ people behind us from the scanners that had just been shut) with just 6 people.
One lady, a man, and a family of M/D and two 20something kids.
The First two unpacked and were through before the 40+ people had walked along to choose their queues.
The mature family then began the "John Cleese - how to go through security sketch"
Wife arguing with husband - "No I don't need to get my make-up out, its thick and gluggy not a liquid.'
Children join in, "Yes you do." Argument continues.
Operator collecting the empty trays walks up with them and asks 'what's the matter?'
Wife snaps "NOTHING." and turns her back on the lady. Husband has a go at how rude you are....
Daughter starts at father, "How dare you say that about mum, the things she has to put up with."
Son "For Fxx_'s sake get a life."
Operator, "Excuse me please but there are people waiting can you please put all your items either in the trays or on the belt."
Wife, "Shut up can't you see we have a problem!" {
Sure can and that was the point - we all thought}
Operator calls to colleague who calls 2 Fed Police leaning over against the wall.
The two Fed Police come up and ask is something the matter.
You get the picture. In the end - no plastic bag for 'liquids', several attempts to get 'liquids' out, then daughter kept setting off the walk-thru. Took off well-laced up boots, then incredibly small belt before finally realising she had house keys in her jeans.
When we started we had just over 55 minutes until departure (and I figured as it was not that busy I'd be able to get the GST done in 5-10 minutes).
By the time we got through (I'd grabbed some trays from the neighbouring machine and we were holding them in the queue but the 4 of them were blocking the way together with the two fed Police standing there) it was 37 minutes before departure.
I sent the rest of our family to the gate as I ran to the GST. Just 5 in the queue ahead of me and 6 counters open. 3 minutes later I was up and 90 seconds or so the super efficient lady had given me the good/bad news but had processed me before the 30 minute cut-off. Total cost of wife's glasses NOT get GST refund - that was going to be a nice dinner in the mountains in Austria!
So the arguing family took at least 15 minutes if not a little longer.
One positive though - this was the first Int'l flight in 6 years that my wife had not got pulled aside for a random explosives swab.