Sorry for the following rant.
We have a neighbour who rents the house across the road - a nice single mother with 3 kids who is in the fitness industry. We live in suburbia. We've had good interactions...until this morning
At 5:15 my wife and I are woken up by the thud of leather on leather and voices (one mainly, a male).
I get up to find she's out the front yard having a personal training session. Her boxing woke us up - thankfully not the kids; but I'm not sure who else they've woken. What a way to endear thyself to ones neighbours.
Now as I said to her, as I commenced my dog walking an hour early, "I understand that you are a single mother and can't leave the house (because she has the kids this week and they're inside asleep) but why not do it in your garage? Common sense *Jacqui*, commonsense" as I walk away, gesticulating and shaking my head
*not her real name
She's lucky it was me and not my wife. Still on my walk and will be interesting to see her reaction when I return.