There is certainly something to be said for living in the times we do - blogs like AFF, and media graphics to play with...
The Guardian has created an interactive guide to the impact of China on every trading partners' economy from the current y-t-d down turn in imports. I may have missed it in the normal press but it says that Y-t-d Chinese imports from Australia are down 25+%. Given the fall in the AUD vs Yuan (until the end of July BEFORE the devaluation by China) the size of the fall surprises me.
Plug it into the chart (OK pull the circle down) and it suggest that Australia could go into a recession due to the lost GDP from Net Exports! Not in 10 years but by Dec 2015.
If the Y-t-d fall of 25.8% remains the same for the full year then that is 3% off Australia's GDP purely from lost exports. On top of that you need to add the lost wages, shipping, handling etc within Australia. Perhaps I've been too cute in buying this year's Euro requirements.