Think I am a boofhead then as Dr Who has never grabbed me for a nano. My brother on the other hand loves it. So I agreed with what the goggleboxers were saying.
Bloody airconditioning in Office still not fixed and it is currently 33 degrees here. Having to send staff home as there are some who sit right next to the sunny windows. Three freaking weeks.
The aircond people walk into any unoccupied office, grab some chairs, and close the door and sit around and have their lunch, some three hours after they have arrived. Today we had a full compliment of our people. No spare space. One of the bosses left to go to the bathroom, came back, and one of the workers had installed himself there! When the boss return from the bathroom needless to say he got a serve. They continue to tap into our wifi. We are trying to get it changed but our IT people (offsite) aren't responding.
Tuesday they gave us a box of chocolates. I asked why. They said it was so we dont complain as it was taking so long. Yep, right, bribes always work with me. Lodged a complaint with the landlord last night.