Irony or not, no matter how "Bigoted" you believe someone to be, they too are entitled to their opinion and beliefs. I suspect the root cause of much of the "Racist" views expressed in Australia right now , is less about race and more about assimilation and adopting of "Our lifestyle and values". I have certain reservations about the tsunami of refugees occurring around the world. However I am also mindful of the fact that I too am a migrant to this country ( my significant early settler Australian ancestors notwithstanding) The anti mosque debate is more about fear than religious freedom , but consider this. The argument that many refugee immigrants to Australia maintain they are escaping persecution in their home land and seek "refuge" here but still want to bring certain "inflexible" elements of the very culture they seek to escape, is to some , a contradiction .
I have a few ( really fantastic) Muslim friends, and I have met others who frankly need to Return from whence they came, Because they believe we are unworthy and beneath them.
They are , I admit in a minority , but violent , extreme minority views sell newspapers.
I don't hold especially strong religious beliefs, I think that religion aides more problems than it ever solves.
If I were King , I would make food the defining element. As many, if not all contributors to this forum are avid travelers , we tend in my experience to rate much of our travel experiences by the good we eat ( and share).
I have sympathy for the argument that if you want to live here. Then live like us. But it's not my view.
Only when you embrace other culture can you really begin to understand and share in it.
So rather than add fuel to the fire, we might all benefit by first understanding other people's fears, and then work toward helping them overcome them, rather than calling them names.